Original Quality Replica bags with Low Price, No Tax!
Accept Paypal, Western Union/MoneyGram, T/T!


Q: How about your items?
A: We only sell Top grade replicas that are perfectly imitated. No matter from look ,feel or even smell are almost identical to the real bags. We're confident to say that you will love it and it is really hard to tell the difference between our items and the actual ones.

Q: Which currency the prices are at our website?
A: The currency are in US dollars.

Q: What's the size in inches?
A: 1 Inch=2.54 cm;1 cm=0.394 inches, our replica handbags are measured in CM or inch.

Q: Do you charge impost?
A: We don't charge impost , We don't carry duty on any damages or loss during shipping.

Q: Which express company do you contact ?
A: All bags ordered from facebags.ru are shipped via EMS, DHL or TNT etc.
We will inform you the shipment number for tracking by email as soon as your order is shipped out.

Q: How much does shipping cost?
A:Free shipping when your order is not less than 3 items. Shipment charge is 40usd when you only buy 1 or 2 items.

Q: How long does it take the bag to be delivered?
A:We usually send the items you ordered within 2 business days after your payment is confirmed to be received.
Normally, you can receive your package within 5-8 business days once it is shipped out.

Q: Can i refund or exchange if I am not satisfied with your items?
A: Yes, all our handbags come with an extensive 7 Days Money-Back Guarantee during which you can return the handbag for a refund. Please refer to our return policy.

Q: Do you offer wholesale?
A: We do both retail and wholesale business,we offer more favorable price for wholesale business.
for specific info, contact us at:facehandbags@hotmail.com

Q: I want to order from your site, but I want to get a sample first. Can I?
A: Yes, you can order a sample from our site, but the cost will be " retail price + shipping fee", and it's refundable in your future order of wholesale.

Q: Why my payment failed?
A: Many reasons for fail,the most possible reason is the info. you filled when you are checking out does not go accord with your card's info., Second: Other reason is the problem with your card. Third: your card issued bank doesn't allow. Four: the problem with the card processed company.Our suggestion is tried one more time carefully, payment may go through.

Q: How do I place an order with www.facebags.ru?
A: Please register first in our website. Simple click "add this to my cart" on the items you need and go to your "Shipping cart" to state the quantity you need and sum up the amount and submit your order, then you can directly pay by credit card online, if you want to pay by Western Union, we will send you invoice to tell you the money amount and the payment detail.

Q: Can you supply other kinds of products other than those on the website ?
A: Yes, just write us about your requirements, preferably with pictures. We will try out best to locate the qualified factory.

Q: I got a few more questions, how can I contact you?
A: If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us at:facehandbags@hotmail.com

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www.facebags.ru is a reputable supplier for 1:1 replica handbags, accept Credit Card(Visa card), MoneyGram, Bank Transfer etc.
Any question, please contact us:facehandbags@hotmail.com